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February 06, 2007


chris kulman

Apple and Steve Jobs are always ahead of the pack. Making the best products that always just work and being in touch with the people. Thanks Steve.

Dr. David A. Smith

Hooray Mr. Jobs
Just the other night I was explaining to a friend of mine, (also in the tech business), that I will not buy any additional music from the iTunes music store. It's just too restrictive. Mr. Jobs has it right. I am "very willing" to pay for each song... An idea that it't time has come. But then when I pay for it, I want to put it on each of my 11 computers, yes 11, but cannot due to this restriction. Of course we can defeat this, but why the bother. I would rather purchase the CD and use the way I want. But then who wants to pay for 12 songs they do not want.

Sincerely, Dr. David A. Smith

Steve Urban

For years the music industry has blamed illegal downloads for their lackluster sales. The truth is that they need a scapegoat because their music stinks. I have listened to Rock music for over 30 years, and can say with confidence that it is at its lowest point in history. Record companies are pushing lowest common denominator bands that all sound the same, because they made a corporate decision about what people want to hear. Gone are the days of independent bands rising in popularity on an original sound. DRM is just the latest way record companies are trying to limit people's legal right to copy music for their own personal use in order to prevent some people from acting illegally. What they really need to do is promote music that people can get excited about buying music again. The immortal words of Joey Ramone, written 30 years ago, ring truer than ever today: "We need change and we need it fast, before Rock's just part of the past, cause lately it all sounds the same to me."

Greg Searle

The first thing I do after purchasing a song from iTunes is copy the song to an audio track on a CDRW and immediately convert it into a DRM-free MP3 file. DRM not only restricts the usage of the music, but I have also permanently lost music that I purchased due to malfunctions in the DRM. I strip out the DRM for my own protection and convenience.

Harald Hardrada

we have too many lawyers -- let's follow up on what shakespeare says

john axelson

Jobs is so right about this. and... something is going to give. When you see people like diller get busy in the music world.... you know there is something up with innovative sales and end user experience. they either get it together now, or the whole napster thing is going to be "child's play" compared to what is going to eventually be the final fall of the BIG FOUR.

as a new media company ourselves, we are very close to finding our own niche in unsigned bands and music. if its not us.... it will someone who will break this stranglehold on the world of music.

music... creativity... is like water... it will
find a path.

john axelson
martini digital entertainment

Say No

Just say No to DRM and any of that stuff. I stopped buying music a long time ago because of corporate greed. I don’t needany of that poorly written iTunes software that crashes so many computers or dealing with the crap Apple customer service when it all goes to heck.


Steve Jobs loves iTunes DRM. It limits consumer choice to Apple hardware. His public "plea" is merely a PR stunt to deflect attention from Apple's greediness. Jobs knows that the RIAA won't cave (because of their greediness as well), so this is his way of passing the buck.


If his plea was just a PR stunt he would never have agreed to the EMI deal. Apple does not need DRM to sell iPods. The iPod is the best portable player on the market. (IMHO)


Does that mean I can save the 200 or so tunes that came with my 1gb i-pod given me for my birthday 3 years ago by my daughter? The tunes were recorded from her CDs collection. I enjoy the lot and therefore have never gone on-line to purchase anything else for my little gem in fear of losing the recorded collection of which I am too fond.

Joshua Davis

I'm all for DRM free music, but the reason online music is encrypted, is because technically inclined people, are more likely to digitally pirate music. Many of the people still buying music on CDs, are either afraid to use an online store, or don't want online music because it is of low quality and crippled with DRM. Both of these demographic (computer afraid, and audiophiles) are less likely to illegal distribute music online.



Let's wait and see what happens with the other 86.6% share of record labels before we can judge Jobs' intentions. EMI has been on a technology-liberation rampage lately, signing with service and technology providers around the world to push its music library (e.g. T-Mo in UK). I wouldn't be surprised if EMI forced Apple's hand in accepting the deal. Afterall, with only a 3% share of music sales, Apple does not control the negotiating table.

FYI, the EMI deal does not include the Beatles - the most purchased artist group in history. This might give us a hint as to who was commanding the negotiations.

Ultimately, Jobs' ploys come down to maintaining a monopoly on DM hardware and deflecting pressure from anti-trust regulators who are interested in promoting competition and consumer choice.


The best thing to do with music is what I do. I refuse to buy any CD or music at all. I download all my music on Acquisition and Limewire, all completely free and unprotected. Join me and make these evil record companies bankrupt!


I tried being a good citizen and consumer by purchasing an album from iTunes only to discover it wouldn't play on my portable player. It would only work on my computer on the downloaded iTunes player. I was so furious at Apple for doing that I swore I'd never buy from them again, and I haven't. Hello Limewire.

The Man

Hey Joshua, read the news. Apple signed the Beatles with iTunes. It's Offical acording to Sir Paul.

Daniel Dahlberg

Will this DRM removal automatically update all of the songs already purchased with DRM's? Will they be removed if DRM is removed from the iTunes store? If not, it sucks for those who have already purchased Protected Songs.

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