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August 02, 2007



I am surprised grocery stores haven't figured out a way to just allow people to order online and then pick up there groceries. They would be able to fill up their store space with more inventory and have staff to just fill orders rather than making all the display cases look nice. This would be a hybrid between the Fresh Direct/Costco/Supermarket models.


I agree. Every existing grocery store chain could increase service and efficiency by offering weborders for pickup. Pending the success of web orders w/ local pickup, they could roll out the delivery feature.


Most grocery stores already do offer online delivery and pick-up services. They haven't done much promotion of these services since they still want you to come into the store. Apparently up to 60% of sales are from impulse or related items as people browse the store.

Bertram Moshier

I live in Chicago, IL and use PeaPod all the time to order groceries. I find it completely wonderful and the only way to go.

As for those worried about the web reducing impulse buying, don't I still do it from time to time when using PeaPod.

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